Alvie helps you with your Certiphyto certification procedures!

We offer a training programme with an interactive module, covered by VIVEA, including a free year of HYGO Optimiser! Want to take the official Certiphyto test on your own? Practice with our free quizzes below to ensure you pass.

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Training: “Make your spraying a success” with HYGO as a teaching tool
comme outil pédagogique

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+ 2 or 3-day training: Certiphyto automatically renewed
+ Interactive format with HYGO as a teaching tool - analysis of your treatments and personalised advice
+ HYGO Optimiser included for one year
+ Training 100% covered by VIVEA and your training credits

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Our free quizzes to test your Certiphyto knowledge

Test yourself with our Certiphyto revision quizzes: choose a topic, answer 10 questions, enter your details, and discover your score!

🐝 Regulation and environment

A series of 10 questions about product purchase, transport, storage, usage conditions (DAR, DRE, buffer zones, wind speed...), and waste disposal (effluents, EVPP, PPNU).

⛑ Health and safety

A series of 10 questions on the health impacts of products, risk phrases on labels, actions to take in case of an incident, PPE to wear, and more.

💧 Alternative methods

A series of 10 questions about how products work, their modes and conditions of use, as well as alternatives to their use (biocontrol products, bio-aggressors...). These questions are closer to your daily routine, assessing your technical skills and openness to changing practices.

How to obtain your CIPP (or Certiphyto)?

Take the test

The exam is a 30-question multiple-choice test, with the minimum passing score depending on the type of Certiphyto. All levels of certificates are valid for 5 years.

Certiphyto decision makers - operator: 12/20Certiphyto decision makers - farm managers: 15/30
Certiphyto decision makers - ETA and service providers: 20/30
Certiphyto sellers: 20/30
Certiphyto advisors: 25/30

Attend a training course

The training duration varies depending on the targeted certificate:

2 days of training for operators and farm managers
3 days of training for contractors, decision-makers in licensed companies, and those involved in product sales
4 days of training for advisors

At the end of this training, you will need to retake the test. The test conditions vary slightly. The test duration is 1 hour, and if you achieve the minimum scores mentioned above, you will receive the certificate!

Have a valid diploma less than 5 years old

To be eligible for this certificate, the relevant diploma must relate to the certificate. You can find the list of eligible diplomas at Legifrance.

Boost your phyto application for free with HYGO!

Get local weather and expert agronomic advice on over 22,000 crop protection products (including fertiliser & nitrogen).
All in one powerful free app, HYGO!

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